What Generations on What Social Media Platforms?
May 6, 2021
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The following is a breakdown of each generation’s involvement with the most popular social media channels available to date!
Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964
Baby boomers are the oldest generation in the workforce today. What sets them apart from other generations is that they have lived the majority of their lives without social media. As of today — 82% of Boomers who use the internet also have at least one social media account primarily Facebook.
When marketing to this generation on social, it is important to remember they have a clear work/life divide, they like to reshare interesting content, and prefer to use social media as one of their many information resources.
Generation X: 1965 – 1979
This generation uses social media more habitually than Millennials. Generation X is often overlooked despite the fact (according to a Nielsen report) they spend an average of 6 hours 58 minutes a week on social media networks. This generation was quick to use social media platforms, just like Millennials, but they did not use it to broadcast their personal life, in fact, only 24 percent have actually shared on social media.
Millennials: 1980 – 1995
The first generation to begin using social media while still in school and because of this early adoption, social media is relevant to both their personal and professional lives.
This generation is heavily influenced by what they see on their favorite social media platforms. 72% have reported buying fashion and beauty products based on Instagram posts and 84% said they’ve been influenced to make a purchase based on UGC (user generated content).
Gen Z: 1996 onwards
Generation Z are currently the largest group of consumers worldwide and are heavily influenced by social media since they have never known a world without it.
When marketing to this generation it is important to remember most of the content they consume is via YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram because they love visuals. With their average attention span of 8 seconds brands need to be eye chatting and quick to capture this generation’s attention.