Welcome to the Yelling Mule Blog

April 8, 2013

Company News

Welcome to Yelling Mule!  We are incredibly excited to be making our first push as a company into the blogosphere.  We have a lot on our minds and a lot to share on how to make your site and business more successful. Getting your site found and converting your visitors into business is the bottom line of any website strategy. Understanding why your site is working and what can be done to increase your success rate is invaluable and something that our entire team here is dedicated to achieving.

We are incredibly proud of our business model, our team and all the support that has made “The Mule” what it is today.  If you are wondering exactly how we came up with our name, then the next paragraph is for you. If not, take a minute, browse through our websites, our services and let us know if you are ready to take your site and business to the next level.

What exactly is a Yelling Mule?

Well, we really have no idea (see below).  To be honest it took hours of talking about names and domains to come up with a name that represented the company as a whole; Hard working, motivated and we help businesses be heard.   A mule cannot make other mules, a mule is a hybrid of a horse and a donkey. The end game.  They are bread for resilience, hard work and to carry the load long distances with minimal nourishment or water.  We are Yelling Mule.  Be Seen, Be Heard.


Check out our other posts about Company News.