We’ve started a new ‘Behind-the-Scenes’ segment called Team Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, we’re going to feature a different Yelling Mule staff member so you can learn a little about the dream…
So, you might be asking “Who cares?! I don’t need a content calendar!” Well, false. You do. Everyone does. Most especially if you are managing more than one social media account. Planning week by week is not an efficient use of time. With a calendar and pre-planned posts, you’ll be able to utilize your time more wisely and make great content with less stress!
It’s summertime in Boston and we’ve got a new face at Yelling Mule! This month, we’re welcoming our newest Social Media Intern, Eric. Eric Jansen Hi everyone, my name is…
I’ve been wanting this update for awhile and it’s finally here. No longer will Instagram users be confined to cropping everything into perfect squares, but now you can go full…
Last week Instagram released their very own Collage App called “Layout.” Prior to this release there have been plenty of other applications with this functionality, however nothing specifically developed by…
If you’re into marketing and you don’t know the name Gary Vaynerchuk, you should probably go pick up one of his books today. Gary is an entrepreneur, social media expert, and the NY Times Best Selling Author of Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook. I wanted to example his philosophy for success on Social Media as it’s a practice that is proven to work.
If you’re on Twitter, I’m sure you’re like me where you continuous add new people and brands to follow, but never unfollow. This can create a very cluttered Twitter Feed where it’s difficult to actually see the Tweets you care most about.