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Boston Digital Marketing

Essential SEO Reporting Tools

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), having the right tools can make all the difference in tracking progress, identifying opportunities, and ensuring that your strategies are effective. Here…

Meet Miranda

New Intern! This fall, Yelling Mule is gaining a new team member. Miranda is a senior Communications major from Endicott College and joining the Digital Marketing team. She’s excited to…

Diversity in Modern Marketing

Happy February! As Black History Month commences, it is important to reflect on modern media habits and how we can find new ways to advocate for greater diversity among the…

What Generations on What Social Media Platforms?

The following is a breakdown of each generation’s involvement with the most popular social media channels available to date! Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964 Baby boomers are the oldest generation…

2021 Digital Trends – What To Look Out For

The Coronavirus pandemic has induced a digital transformation that has moved millions of people online, and will likely continue to do so into 2021.  Between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok…

Best Social Media Trends for 2021

This week on Digital Dialogue we broke down the top 10 predicated social media trends for 2021 as seen in Talkwalker’s Social Media Trends 2021 Global Report. In the report,…

Digital Dialogue EP 81: Social Media Trends for 2021

This week, Katelyn and Scott are breaking down the top 10 predicted social media trends for the new year.

Social Media Round-Up: October

Instagram Announces New Crackdown on Influencers Who Fail to Disclose Commercial Partnerships Instagram’s new tools, which will be rolled out over the next year, include a prompt requiring influencers to…

Google Ads & Bing Ads: A Better Look at The Two Platforms

As you could probably guess, Google has by far the largest reach when it comes to the overall market share in the paid search arena. In fact, Google holds approximately…

Digital Dialogue EP 76: TikTok Sold to Oracle

This week Katelyn and Scott are talking about TikTok. From what it is, to how it works, they share all the newest information available out the popular video-sharing platform.

Plugins Update Checklist

Updating plugins for a WordPress site is crucial because they help keep everything running properly. Plugins are essentially just apps for your website, you can install them to add new…

Digital Dialogue EP 75: WordPress User Profiles & Plugins

We conclude our WordPress training this week with Colleen, Yelling Mule’s web developer. She wraps up the series by explaining user profiles, updating plugins, and common last checks before launching…

Uploading Media on WordPress

The WordPress media library includes any uploaded images, audio, or video that you add to your blog or site. Adding media content to your WordPress site is a great way…

Digital Dialogue EP 74: WordPress Media & Pages

On this episode of Digital Dialogue for the third installment of our WordPress training we are talking about uploading media and creating pages. We cover the types of media library…

Digital Dialogue EP 73: Site Options and Posting Overview

This week on Digital Dialogue we continue the WordPress trainings with our developer Colleen. This week she is covering Site Options and Posting, from header/footer options to creating and publishing…