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The Future of Digital Marketing

We’re so excited to be starting 2017! It’s certainly going to be an exciting year for Yelling Mule and digital marketing. Here are the digital marketing trends we’re predicting for…

This 2017, Avoid Hard Selling Like the Plague

Let’s start 2017 by getting rid of the concept of hard-selling! We’re not saying you should never sell yourself, but most of your engagement and content should not revolve around…

How Important Is a Profile Picture?

Your profile picture is everything! Generally speaking, the photography you use in your social media campaign speaks volumes about your business. More importantly, your profile picture is what everyone will…

How-to: Build An Organic Audience

We’ve all done it. Curiosity begs you to seek out your competitors on social media but then you do, and what?! They have over 10k followers?! But how?! What sorcery…

Social Media Platforms: What to Choose and How to Choose Them

If there’s one question we get often it’s “what social media platforms do I need for my business?” The answer is: not every single one. Here’s the thing, while you…

The Power of Photography

Yes, it’s kind of a cheesy title but it’s the absolute truth – your photography is everything. It is the most important element of your business, whatever your business may…

10 Facebook Marketing Myths

We’re always getting questions about Facebook and to be honest, Facebook can be a terrible beast. While the struggles faced by many entrepreneurs and businesses are very real, a lot…

You Know What Every Brand Needs? A Great Logo

One of the first steps in establishing a social media presence or persona relies on how you brand yourself. It’s your self-image. It will speak volumes about your company in so many different ways. Your logo speaks volumes about your business. Think about it – your logo will be placed on everything from business cards to email signatures and promos.

5 Habits of Successful Social Media Managers

What makes for a highly successful social media manager? Well, besides an enormous amount of coffee, there is plenty that goes into any social media position. Social media can be very time consuming, but if you manage your time properly and rely on these habits as your guideline, then you’ll do fine!

Social Media Platforms to Keep Your Eye On

Is it already ‪Freebie Friday‬?! With all the Instagram versus Snapchat talk, we decided to run you through a few ‪‎Social Media‬ platforms to keep an eye on! Let’s start…

Team Tuesdays: Q&A with Eric Jansen

We’ve started a new ‘Behind-the-Scenes’ segment called Team Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, we’re going to feature a different Yelling Mule staff member so you can learn a little about the dream…

Building Your Content Calendar

So, you might be asking “Who cares?! I don’t need a content calendar!” Well, false. You do. Everyone does. Most especially if you are managing more than one social media account. Planning week by week is not an efficient use of time. With a calendar and pre-planned posts, you’ll be able to utilize your time more wisely and make great content with less stress!

Meet Our New Intern!

It’s summertime in Boston and we’ve got a new face at Yelling Mule! This month, we’re welcoming our newest Social Media Intern, Eric. Eric Jansen Hi everyone, my name is…

Video Content: YouTube vs Vimeo

If you go from images to video, it sends a powerful message to your target demographic. With more people using Vimeo lately, it has turned into a debate: “Which video platform is better for my business?” Well, it really depends on the goals of your business.