
May 1, 2013

Web Design


New Site Launch! Yelling Mule is proud to introduce G2O Spa and Salon and Emerge Spa and Salon (both of these sites are in the final phase of a complete redesign with us) of Boston contacted our team to create a site for this amazing cause! We jumped at the chance to help any way we could and were happy to donate our time. Celeste (a g20 employee) and her daughter Sydney were injured in the Marathon Bombing and will need all the help they can get. If you are looking to help out and get some great Spa and Salon Services head on over and check it out!

Just to reiterate that the trials this family will face in the rehabilitation process as well as the change to their every day life will surely require all the help they can get. A GoFundMe page has been set up and been highly successful, but we can always do more to help.  If you cannot make this great event, any donations that you can make through their GoFundMe page would be greatly appreciated by their family.

Visit the site!



Check out our other posts about Local Boston.