How Our Team Is Staying Connected

April 14, 2020

Social Media

How To



Tips & Tricks

During these uncertain times life as we know it has shifted. Instead of business as usual, millions and millions of people around the world have started working remotely to help stop the spread of CoVid-19. So in order to fill business and social needs, many are looking for new innovative ways to connect with one another. In this blog post, we are sharing a few platforms that have become popular with our team during quarantine. 

Slack- Slack has been a staple in Yelling Mule HQ for years but it has become even more helpful during the last few weeks of working remotely. Slack helps streamline communication and keeps it all in one place. Probably one of the platforms biggest pros is that it reduces email traffic which helps keep projects organized amongst different departments.  

Zoom- Since the beginning of quarantine Zoom has been one of the top go-to communications platforms. The video conference system has become popular with almost every demographic. This most likely has to do with its accessibility. Zoom offers free 40 minute video calls with up to 100 attendees. For many it is considered to be the perfect solution for business calls, social gatherings and more. However, it is important to note the recent security breach the platform has faced. Over the last couple of weeks, many zoom users have fallen victim to intruders hacking into their conference calls. Obviously, this is vital to consider especially if your call contains sensitive information. 

HouseParty- HouseParty has become a more fun and casual way to keep in touch with others. The social app allows you to connect with any of your friends who are ‘in the house’ aka in the app. HouseParty also keeps things entertaining by providing users with games they can play while on the call including, pictionary and trivia.  

FaceTime- We are all familiar with FaceTime. It’s been around forever but we’re sure it’s been used more within the last couple of weeks than ever before. It’s convenience is probably the biggest take away, especially when with the group FaceTime feature. 

Google Hangouts- If you’re a fan of Google then Hangouts is the perfect platform for you. You need a Google account to get a call started but if you’re just joining a call then you can without your own account. For each call only 25 people can join but if you want to take advantage of the Google Hangouts Chat feature up to 150 people can be invited. However, in response to current events, Google is offering more of its business features which will allow 250 people to join a call. This is extremely helpful for businesses and schools alike.