Event Marketing

July 28, 2022


Events & Seminars


Event Marketing is the process of planning, organizing, and executing an event to promote a company, product, or service. It focuses on creating engagement between attendees and the brand sponsoring the event. It is a technique that has shown excellent results in building brand awareness and brand loyalty. According to 58% of marketers, conferences, trade exhibitions, and other events are essential for enhancing the client experience. The appeal of in-person marketing is much greater for B2B marketers. Events are considered by 67% to be the most helpful content tool. In the US alone, annual spending on event hosting is around $108 billion. Event marketing is here to stay because it accounts for 20–25 % of marketing budgets overall.


Types of events

Events can be in-person and online. Additionally, since the pandemic started, the number of online events has increased since companies were looking for ways to interact with consumers. According to Harvard Business Review, these are the most popular event type:

  • Conferences

These large-scale gatherings are centered on instructive lectures from experts in their fields. Typically, a single large firm organizes and hosts the event, with a vast list of smaller brands and companies providing sponsorship. Conferences may include workshops and networking events to maximize the value delivered to the attendees. According to 40% of firms, this type of event has the most significant impact on their corporate goals.

  • Seminars

This kind of event’s primary objective is to educate its audience. As a result, seminars frequently occur in more intimate settings with fewer attendees. Although just 8% of businesses view seminars as essential to accomplishing their objectives, this format significantly impacts attendance’ level of expertise. Online seminars are frequently referred to as webinars.

  • VIP events

These events are intended to increase client loyalty and accelerate sales. VIP events can accomplish these objectives by bringing together influential shareholders, important clients, and other honored customers. According to 7% of business people, VIP events impact their organization’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicator).

  • Thought-leadership events

Networking is these events’ main objective since a group of experts with similar interests joins together. Thought-leadership events give organizers a chance to increase their status in a particular industry and produce outstanding business results; in fact, 14% of business executives say this kind of event is best for the success of their organizations.

  • Product launches

Companies use events of this nature to introduce potential or current customers to new products. Influencers are typically invited to these events to share what is happening with their audience. The objective is to excite potential customers and customers about a new product’s characteristics and advantages.


Benefits of event marketing
  • Events marketing generates business. 

95% of marketers think that attending in-person events can significantly affect the achievement of the main objectives of their organization. This could be because the company generates a list of people already interested in the business with just the registration process.

  • Event marketing provides one-on-one customer engagement.

93% of marketers think attending in-person events has an excellent opportunity to connect in the increasingly digital reality. At events, engaging with consumers and potential customers start personal interactions. These one-on-one, intimate exchanges encourage consumer loyalty and help humanize your business.

  • Event marketing builds brand awareness.

One of the most effective ways for businesses to build and expand their brand is to host or participate in events. According to 64% of event marketers, the primary motivation for holding events is to raise brand recognition for their business or products. By using event marketing, you can give an otherwise digital business a tangible identity and appearance.

  • Event marketing encourages product and industry education.

The fact that the marketing strategy includes education, as well as a focus on the product or brand, is what makes event marketing so effective.