CSS Gravity Forms Explained

July 30, 2020

How To

Local Boston


Web Design

Tips & Tricks

Small Business

Image courtesy of Tutorial Republic

In this week’s blog post we wanted to go a little deeper into the topic of CSS and working with Gravity Forms after having Colleen our web designer on Digital Dialogue. Gravity forms are extremely easy to use, secure, and allow for customization.

What is CSS?

Simply put by definition, CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages. This includes things such as colors, layout, and fonts. It also allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as desktop or mobile.

You can style dynamic states of elements such as hover, focus, etc. that isn’t possible otherwise. You can change the position of an element on a web page without changing the markup and you can also alter the display of existing HTML elements and transform elements like scale, rotate, skew, etc. in 2D or 3D space.

What are gravity forms?

Gravity Forms are a WordPress plugin used originally for contact forms, but in a more general sense, it allows site owners to create forms to collect information. Gravity Forms can be used for contact forms, WordPress post creation, calculators, employment applications and even surveys.


An example of a contact form.













How to implement them?
  1. Purchase and download Gravity Forms.
  2. Go to “Plugins” > “Add New”. …
  3. Click “Choose File” and select the Gravity Forms zip file you downloaded. …
  4. Click “Activate Plugin”.
  5. Go to “Forms” > “Settings”. …
  6. Select the option to “Keep background updates enabled” then click “Next”.

In order to download them you’ll need an active Gravity Forms license key and then you can download all the available plugins and permitted add-ons from the Downloads section of your WordPress Account. Which add-ons you are permitted to download will be dependent upon what Gravity Forms license you purchase.

Exciting Features Using Gravity Forms

To see all of the features that you can perform using Gravity Forms, check out the 9 Exciting Features Blog.