“Keep It Simple Stupid” is probably a phrase you’ve heard before. It can relate to a number of different scenarios, but today we’re talking about your website. Hick’s Law describes the time it takes for a person to make a decision as a result of the possible choices they have. As you might expect, increasing the number of choices increases decision time.
It’s no secret that page load time is very important for your website. If it takes too long to load visitors will go elsewhere. But did you know how little time you actually have to grab that user?
User Experience (UX) is one of those things people think they can skip in a web design project. But when every $1 invested in UX yields a $2 to $100 return, you’d be crazy to skip it! If you have a website or are starting a new web project soon, this is a must read.
We are proud to announce that Yelling Mule has won five awards for web design in the 2014 American Web Design Awards! The American Web Design Awards is an annual contest that Graphic Design USA holds. The contest is their “annual showcase of the power of design to enhance websites and online communications.”
If you haven’t heard about the Heartbleed Bug you need to read on. This bug is a serious vulnerability in some sites that are using SSL to ensure your information is safe. This information includes credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, email, etc. In short it’s a very serious bug, and you need to make sure your data hasn’t been compromised.
It’s the beginning of a new year, and hopefully you have some resolutions for your online marketing. Whether it’s to blog more, work on your SEO, or maybe even completely redo your website. If yours is the ladder, you should know what your options are, and why a DIY website may not be the best fit for you.
Are you finding yourself slamming your head into a desk because all the hours you spent slaving on a web page aren’t converting your visitors into leads? Your problem may be that you’re not utilizing your landing pages correctly. Landing pages are a crucial part in transforming your website visitors into leads, which will benefit your business.
New Site Launch! Yelling Mule is proud to introduce https://www.celeste-a-thon.com/ G2O Spa and Salon and Emerge Spa and Salon (both of these sites are in the final phase of a complete…
I’ve lost count the number of times someone has said to me “my web guy disappeared” and fortunately less often, yet just as inconvenient, “my web guy has passed away”. When this happens you generally go through a few stages.
First is denial (if they didn’t pass away). You hope that maybe they’re on vacation, or something happened where they can’t answer their phone, email, or door if you went to their office (or house).
It seems that Main Street businesses can’t catch a break. Personally I have been involved with small to medium sized businesses for the greater part of my career. I have been through most aspects of the cycle from downsizing to fast growth. Whatever the reason, small businesses need to see that the internet is now the #1 form of advertising. If you are not on board, your business may quickly fall behind.
Currently, as a business owner myself, and with the primary focus…
What I have noticed after working with small businesses for the last few years is that as new options are talked about more on the web, clients bring up options without fully understanding why something should be built one way or the other. Even importantly what they need and what their visitors need.