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Digital Dialogue EP 70: ‘Can I Use’ & CSS Gravity Forms

Facebook Testing New Page Design Facebook is in the process of testing a new page format that will putt less emphasis on liking a page and instead will be shifting…

Our Favorite Social Media Design Apps

Constantly creating engaging and creative social media graphics can be a challenge at times. Thankfully, there are a number of social design apps that can help. In this blog post,…

Digital Dialogue EP 69: Helpful Apps For Social Media Graphics

TikTok Faces More Challenges, Pausing Expansion Plans in UK and Dealing with Penalties in South Korea  TikTok has decided to pull back their plans to establish a global headquarters in…

How Our Team Is Staying Connected

During these uncertain times life as we know it has shifted. Instead of business as usual, millions and millions of people around the world have started working remotely to help…

Netflix Party: Chrome Extension Available Now

As millions of people around the world enter stay-at-home orders, Netflix is making sure to help keep people occupied. According to Entertainment Weekly, Netflix viewership is souring and stated they have…

5 Helpful Tips For Working From Home

Like many other companies, Yelling Mule is embarking on our second week of working remotely. As COVID-19 continues to impact the United States, self isolating and working from the safety of one’s home is…

Digital Dialogue EP 57: Creating Sitemaps

On this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott welcome on Yelling Mule’s Creative Director, Nicki. She helps us understand how sitemaps are created and why they are a vital part…

Digital Dialogue EP 56: SEO vs. SEM

On this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are discussing the difference between SEO and SEM while also explaining how you can utilize both to increase exposure to your…

Google Is Changing Search For The Better

If you haven’t heard, Google is reinventing the way searching for things works with their newest neural network algorithm, BERT. It is an acronym for (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)…

Digital Dialogue EP 55: Google’s BERT

On this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are discussing the newest changes to way searching for things on Google works with their deep learning algorithm BERT (Bidirectional Encoder…

Budgeting for Social Media Ads

Creating your own social media ads are easier than ever and all it takes is a little patience working through the platforms easy to use systems. Here are the numbers…

Digital Dialogue EP 54: Picking The Right Type of Paid Ads

On this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are giving a general overview of how to create ads and how different ads perform depending on the platform they are run…

Digital Dialogue EP 53: Time Management Tips

On this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott discuss the various ways to deal with work overload and using time management correctly to help deal with it!  

The Benefits of Podcasting

Over the last couple of years, podcasts have become an extremely popular medium. According to Podcast Insights, there are currently over 750,000 podcasts out there with over 30 million episodes…

Digital Dialogue EP 52: The Rise of Podcasts

In this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott cover how the podcasting platform is being used for marketing and share some of their favorite ones to listen to!