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Tips & Tricks

You Know What Every Brand Needs? A Great Logo

One of the first steps in establishing a social media presence or persona relies on how you brand yourself. It’s your self-image. It will speak volumes about your company in so many different ways. Your logo speaks volumes about your business. Think about it – your logo will be placed on everything from business cards to email signatures and promos.

5 Habits of Successful Social Media Managers

What makes for a highly successful social media manager? Well, besides an enormous amount of coffee, there is plenty that goes into any social media position. Social media can be very time consuming, but if you manage your time properly and rely on these habits as your guideline, then you’ll do fine!

Building Your Content Calendar

So, you might be asking “Who cares?! I don’t need a content calendar!” Well, false. You do. Everyone does. Most especially if you are managing more than one social media account. Planning week by week is not an efficient use of time. With a calendar and pre-planned posts, you’ll be able to utilize your time more wisely and make great content with less stress!

WhenToGram: Get The Instagram Edge

When creating a Social Media Marketing Strategy, a very common question that always seems to come up with “When should I be posting my content?” It’s a great question because…

Best Nine Instagram Photos in 2015

Well it’s that time of the year again when everyone starts posting lists to do a recap prior to the New Year.  A cool trend on Instagram has been the…

Snapchat Selfie Filters: New Update

Earlier this afternoon on September 15th 2015, SnapChat released an update that included the NEW selfie filters.  If you’re reading this, it’s probably because one of your friends sent you…

Your REAL iPhone Reception: Secret Signal

If you don’t know, the bars in the top-left of your iPhone don’t actually represent the exact signal, but instead represent a signal range.  There’s a “secret” (or at least…

Create a Snapchat GeoFilter

With SnapChat turning GeoFilters into a new Ad Unit, the ability to create and customize GeoFilters has turned into one of our newest services here at Yelling Mule.  Based on…

Get Mule Hosting Status Updates 24/7

If you’re a Mule Hosting customer you know that our hosting is exclusive to Yelling Mule clients, and this helps keep our service as fast and secure as possible. Along with speed and security uptime is a top priority of ours. We just launched so you can get hosting status updates 24/7.

Google Tone: Chrome Extension

By installing Google Tone as an extension on Chrome, you can simply click a button. This button generates a noise which can be picked up by any other computer using the extension. This will alert them and they can pull up the content that you shared.

Marketing: Jab. Jab. Jab. RIGHT HOOK!

If you’re into marketing and you don’t know the name Gary Vaynerchuk, you should probably go pick up one of his books today. Gary is an entrepreneur, social media expert, and the NY Times Best Selling Author of Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook. I wanted to example his philosophy for success on Social Media as it’s a practice that is proven to work.

Periscope vs Meerkat: Twitter Live Streaming

Twitter has finally revealed their live streaming video app, Periscope, which they acquired back in January for an estimated $100 Million.  The application allows users to share a link to…

Organize Your Twitter Feed with Twindr

If you’re on Twitter, I’m sure you’re like me where you continuous add new people and brands to follow, but never unfollow. This can create a very cluttered Twitter Feed where it’s difficult to actually see the Tweets you care most about.

Facebook Adds Call-To-Action Button To Pages

Facebook just launched a great new feature for pages, and it only takes a minute to add it. The new “Call-To-Action” button allows you to add a button in your cover photo so users can easily contact you, download your app, or sign up for your service.

Use These 5 Tools. Be More Productive.

It’s literally way too easy to get distracted at work these days.  Whether it’s directly on your computer or on your mobile phone, the Internet usually gets your attention… Here’s…