What is social media engagement? Well, it’s really hard to define but trust us, it’s pretty much everything. It is the air to your social media earth. Sprout Social‘s Alex…
It’s not easy being a team of one, most definitely not. In between content creation, curation, genuine engagement, puppeteering strategy, photo editing, tweaking design, monitoring growth – social media can…
Let’s start 2017 by getting rid of the concept of hard-selling! We’re not saying you should never sell yourself, but most of your engagement and content should not revolve around…
We’ve all done it. Curiosity begs you to seek out your competitors on social media but then you do, and what?! They have over 10k followers?! But how?! What sorcery…
So, you might be asking “Who cares?! I don’t need a content calendar!” Well, false. You do. Everyone does. Most especially if you are managing more than one social media account. Planning week by week is not an efficient use of time. With a calendar and pre-planned posts, you’ll be able to utilize your time more wisely and make great content with less stress!
With SnapChat turning GeoFilters into a new Ad Unit, the ability to create and customize GeoFilters has turned into one of our newest services here at Yelling Mule. Based on…
By installing Google Tone as an extension on Chrome, you can simply click a button. This button generates a noise which can be picked up by any other computer using the extension. This will alert them and they can pull up the content that you shared.
If you’re into marketing and you don’t know the name Gary Vaynerchuk, you should probably go pick up one of his books today. Gary is an entrepreneur, social media expert, and the NY Times Best Selling Author of Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook. I wanted to example his philosophy for success on Social Media as it’s a practice that is proven to work.
If you’re on Twitter, I’m sure you’re like me where you continuous add new people and brands to follow, but never unfollow. This can create a very cluttered Twitter Feed where it’s difficult to actually see the Tweets you care most about.
Facebook just launched a great new feature for pages, and it only takes a minute to add it. The new “Call-To-Action” button allows you to add a button in your cover photo so users can easily contact you, download your app, or sign up for your service.
It’s literally way too easy to get distracted at work these days. Whether it’s directly on your computer or on your mobile phone, the Internet usually gets your attention… Here’s…
Facebook and Twitter… Check! Our Social Media Marketing is all set, right? Wrong. More and more clients are asking us “Should we be on Instagram?” – The simple answer: YES!…
Uber is now taking your music requests with their newest partnership with Spotify!
Before we get started, I want to assure you that this isn’t going to be a “Hire Yelling Mule! We’re the #1 Boston Web Design company!” post. This is a post that will hopefully help you get the most out of your web company, and ensure that they don’t take advantage of you.
If you haven’t heard about the Heartbleed Bug you need to read on. This bug is a serious vulnerability in some sites that are using SSL to ensure your information is safe. This information includes credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, email, etc. In short it’s a very serious bug, and you need to make sure your data hasn’t been compromised.