
Mental Health Day 2019

According to the World Health Organization, every 40 seconds someone loses their life to suicide. Today, which is World Mental Health Day 2019, the WHO is focusing on “40 seconds of…

Digital Dialogue EP 53: Time Management Tips

On this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott discuss the various ways to deal with work overload and using time management correctly to help deal with it!  

The Benefits of Podcasting

Over the last couple of years, podcasts have become an extremely popular medium. According to Podcast Insights, there are currently over 750,000 podcasts out there with over 30 million episodes…

Digital Dialogue EP 52: The Rise of Podcasts

In this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott cover how the podcasting platform is being used for marketing and share some of their favorite ones to listen to!

Social Media Round Up Weekly Stories

Facebook Facing Potential AntiTrust Lawsuits Facebook competitors like Snap, Inc. whose only company is Snapchat have been talking to the Federal Trade Commission. Snap, Inc. is claiming that Facebook tried…

Digital Dialogue EP 51: Social Media Roundup

Featured in this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are conducting a social media round-up. From Facebook to Twitter, they are diving in on this week’s most recent social media…

Creating a Digital Design Portfolio

This week on Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and I had the pleasure of sitting down with Yelling Mules amazing designers Emily Dunnigan and Lindsey Clark for our weekly podcast. We covered…

Digital Dialogue EP 50: Meet Our Designers

Featured in this episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are joined by two Yelling Mule designers, Emily and Lindsey. We used the time to pick their brain a little…

Drift’s Hypergrowth & Hubspot’s Inbound

Drift, the leading chat software and conversational marketing platform, hosted their yearly event at the Wang Theatre. With absolutely amazing speakers and performers to make it quite a memorable event….

Digital Dialogue EP 49: Hypergrowth Overview

On this week’s episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are talking about their experience at Drift’s event Hypergrowth19. Click below to hear the whole episode!

How To Grow Your Following On Social Media

Over the years it has become a common practice for some to purchase followers in order to grow their social media presence.  While this might seem like an easy course…

Digital Dialogue EP 48: Buying Followers

On this week’s episode of Digital Dialogue, Katelyn and Scott are talking discuss why buying social media followers is never worth it. It may seem like an easy way to…

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