7 Signs You Need A New Website in 2015
January 14, 2015
Search Engine Optimization
Tips & Tricks
Web Design
Social Media
To some it may be pretty obvious of when you need a new website… you just look at it and cringe. It’s now 2015, so I hope you have a website that actually says you’re modern and on the cutting edge of technology within your industry. If your website is still in the Y2K stages, then this blog is for you.
Here’s 7 Signs You Need A New Website in 2015:
1. Fixed Width (“Boxed”) Website
“I really wish we could put some content in those margins…”
One of the clearest signs on an outdated website is the “boxed” format where there are large margins on the left and right side of the main content and images do NOT extended the full width in the browser. The Fixed Width was fun 5+ years ago because it allowed people to have different backgrounds that bordered their content. Backgrounds however take away from the main content of the website, which should be highlighted more. A modern width for content is approximately 1000 pixels which leaves plenty of real estate to make everything clean and organized.
2. You Don’t Have Universal Branding
“Wait, is this the same company?”
This is fairly common where you can go from a printer brochure, to a Facebook page, to the actual website and all 3 are totally different. A modern website acts as the central HQ for company branding… If the website looks a certain way, then so should the company trucks, social media, printed material, etc. so that people can easily recognize you and feel more comfortable seeing your branding around them without confusion.
3. You Don’t Have A BLOG
“I know, I know… I need to start blogging”
I’m sure you’ve heard this one… Maybe you even skipped over reading this one because you already know. Google LOVES websites that blog and create new and relevant content. I feel every company we talk to about blogging is a little intimidated with the idea of writing a blog on a consistent basis, but I always tell people: “It doesn’t have to be a novel.” Writing a blog can simply be a paragraph and a photo of something that happened recently in the company. Simple enough, right? It doesn’t have to be every day, but any sort of consistency will help in your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts.
4. No Scrolling (“Above The Fold” UX)
“Hold on, I’m trying to get to the bottom of my Newsfeed”
Scrolling up and down on your phone all day has changed the way people expect to interact with a website. People want a scrolling experience and enjoy scrolling until they hit the bottom of a page. Your website should give people this experience with your content, even if it’s a desktop version of the website.
5. No CTA…. Your Goals Are NOT Prioritized
“Where do I click to Sign Up? Where’s the Call-To-Action?”
It’s one of the most common reasons we are contacted here at Yelling Mule and it’s actually how we start all of our Discovery Meetings with new clients. When you get a brand new visitor on your website, what do you want them to do? If it’s your ideal client, you should have direct goals for them whether it’s a macro conversion or a micro conversion. Macro conversion would be when they do a high-level action like make a purchase or sign-up for an event. Micro conversion would be if they signed up for an eNewsletter or “Liked” you on Facebook. We prioritize those goals and come up with the best UX to achieve those goals with clean and clear CTAs.
6. Heavy Text Content, Few Images
“I’m not going to read all that”
Seriously… how much do you expect people to read on your website? If your copy goes on for days without at least being divided up by photography, then no one is going to read it all. You can have the full message, but there’s ways to strategically place certain amounts of text/copy to make for an easier UX that people will actually read. A lot of this can be done with “Teaser Text” and giving people a preview of what might be involved on a separate page that is broken up with relevant photos.
7. Small Font Sizes
“What does that say?”
People have larger screens and smaller devices, so if you have tiny text that is hard to read, people will dismiss you. And don’t expect people to zoom in from their browser… you should have the website properly formatted so it’s easy to read on all devices for all ages.
Honorable Mentions: Here’s a few things that are so out-of-dated that they weren’t on the list, so if you have any of these… well, you’re in big trouble.
8. Using Outdated Icons – 3D Person Icons
Please, please, please don’t tell me you have these guys on your website:
9. A Lengthy Form
If you have a form on your website that has more than a dozen fields, there’s no chance someone is going to fill it out. It depends on the industry, but you can separate a long form with 2 forms: (1) Pre-Application, and (2) Full-Application. This will at least qualify a lead first to then get additional information.
10. Stock Photos Representing Your Team/Staff
“This is my team. We work hard. Just like this….”
People want to see the humanization of a brand these days. Let them know you are REAL people that can help them. This can be achieve with a fun team page or social media updates.
What did I forget? Leave a comment!