5 Key Copywriting Tips We All Should Follow

March 7, 2019

Tips & Tricks

How To


Search Engine Optimization

Writing effective copy should always be a priority because there is a lot riding on it. A website’s copy has the ability to help influence its SEO ranking and whether or not customers take action, just to name a few things. With that being said, here are five helpful tips we like to keep in mind when we are copywriting.


Research is a vital copywriting tip to start off with. When writing content for a website, it is important to not only know what you’re writing about but who you are writing for. The goal of many websites is to convert visitors to customers. By researching and understanding the targeted demographic, you’ll have a better sense of what the most effective call to action is for that given site.

Keep It Simple

We all know people have short attention spans, especially when they are online. That’s why the most effective copywriting is concise.  A lot of the time people are just skimming the site for the information they need, so make sure your paragraphs are short and to the point. Also, take advantage of the following

  • Headlines and subheadlines

  • Bulleted and numbered lists

  • Text variations (bold, italics, underlining) anything to help make the most important information stand out.

  • Images and videos

Stay Present

Good copy drives its audience to complete its call to action. Using active language and creating almost a sense of urgency throughout the entire website are great ways to ensure that action will be taken.

Be aware of SEO

Keywords are important to include in your copy but never write solely for your SEO results. Always write with the customer or audience in mind.


Proofreading is a no brainer right? Yet, it is so vital we feel compelled to include it on our list of tips. Editing is so important. No matter how long or short the article is, always plan time to proofread your work. Small mistakes are bound to happen and your readers are likely to catch them.

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