10 Signs You Should Invest In Social Media
January 10, 2017
Tips & Tricks
Social Media
Small Business
Here are the warning signs that you need to start seriously investing in social media:
The last time you were on your social media account was 2011
Oh, wow! Fantastic. Your outdated profile is costing you business. No, seriously.
Your social media profile can make or break your business. It really doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re running – most people expect there to be a solid website as well as one social media network. It enhances your brand if your website is clean, functional and visually appealing. It looks even better if you have at least one up to date social network; whether it be Instagram, Facebook or Twitter – keep it constant, current and relevant.
You’re still using flyers to spread awareness
Stop. Stop now.
Flyers are cool but guess what’s cooler? Reaching 2k people within a 10 mile radius today — which you can actually do using Facebook Ads and Offers. Don’t settle on flyers when there is a cheaper, more efficient solution. While we’re on the topic — radio and newspaper ads are not completely irrelevant but when you can reach thousands of people for $100 or less a week; why bother?
No one knows who you are
You know what’s worse than an outdated social media profile? No profile. No website. Nothing. What are you? A ghost?! You don’t want to be the brand or company that everyone searches and can’t find anything on because you have no online presence.
Business has been slow
If things have been slow, fear not! Investing in social media might be the answer. Social media is amazing because you can reach anyone in the world. It allows you to focus your efforts on any specific area and get the word out about your business quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.
You don’t have much of a budget
Ok, so maybe you’re just starting out and your budget is tight – social media is definitely for you. It doesn’t matter what type of business you have (restaurant, design, freelance, photography, medical practice, law firm); you can definitely utilize social media.
You can target your local area and spend anywhere between $20-100 weekly to see results.
Your website traffic is lacking
You’re an online business? Prove it! Where’s your social network?
If you sell anything on the internet, you’re going to need a social network to accompany your website. It’s simply a fact of life. A social media presence will boost your website traffic, allow you to network with similar businesses or like-minded individuals, and lastly, spread brand awareness.
You don’t have any brand loyalty
Should we be worried about your business? If you’re lacking loyal customers or a sense of community – try using social media to connect with people! You might end up connecting with an entire group of local bloggers or enthusiasts. Use social networks to network.
No one bites at your seasonal menu, special offers or crazy discounts
Well, well, well. That’s unfortunate. Thankfully, social media and networking is here to help.
Boost those menus, specials and discounts! Use colorful, authentic and visually appealing content to promote your best moments. On Facebook, you can even create offers. Try posting evergreen content of your special menu or discounted product on Instagram.
You do all of the above, but you’re terrible at it
Yes, unfortunately, if you do everything we suggested above but do so poorly, you will fail.
Ok, that’s an exaggeration but you likely won’t do well. For social media to really work, you have to ensure that the content you’re pushing out is quality over quantity. You want photos that will attract attention, not make people wince. You want lovely lighting, great angles and creativity. You want graphics that are simple and easy to read. You’ll need text and a voice that matches the overall personality of your brand. You need to be concise, stay on top of any errors or mistakes and constantly engage with your customers. You need to post consistently. Follow a strategy based on your identified goals.
Investing in social media is still plenty cost-effective in comparison to radio, newspaper, television and print ads – but only if done properly.
You don’t communicate with your customers
Give your customers a platform where they can talk to you. Wouldn’t it be better to receive a complaint, and deal with it instantly and directly via social media? Wouldn’t you prefer seeing positive reactions, photos and reviews via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in real time? What’s even better is you could (invest in social media) by reposting your favorite customer photos and reviews to your page. It’s free and guess what? People love it. They absolutely love having their content shared – especially if it’s anything remotely to do with food, cars or puppies.
We hope these points help you figure out if social media marketing is right for you. But truly, social media advertising is pretty much right for any business so long as you do it right! If you think we missed any essential points, feel free to comment below.
Happy Social Networking!
Check out our other posts about Social Media.